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Promoting the art and craft of wood turning in the greater Cincinnati area

If you are a member - remember to Login so you can access all the Guild has to offer!

Kick-off the Season with Turn Fest!

Not our regular big room demo but four simultaneous demonstrations happening at once. There will be two rotations of 90 minutes each a total of 8 different projects to get your creative juices flowing. We have a great lineup of demonstrators so be sure to mark your calendar for September 21st. 
  • Gabriel Hoff - Lidded box (Members can view his American Woodturner magazine article here)
  • Mary Carol Meinken - Purse mirror and maybe spatula (depending on time)
  • Dave Kratzer - Acorn box
  • Jerry Warner - Live edge bowl
  • KC Kendall - Pepper mill
  • Bob Henrickson - Multi axis tulip
  • Mike Pankion - Vase
  • Bev Connelly - Ring stand with jewelry tray

                                                                                    Turn Fest 2024 - 9/21/2024
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PYRO Open Shop has open positions in September

Bring a project to work on, or a flat piece of wood that you can practice on. If you do not have a pyro unit, there are 5 available to use for the evening. Email Mary Carol Meinken to reserve one. Come prepared to learn and have fun! The session is open to any OVWG member interested in participating in embellishing their work with pyrography. There will be equipment available if you do not have your own equipment. This is a sharing of knowledge interest group where we learn from one another. If you do not have equipment, it is a good place to learn what is available before purchasing equipment.

Register for the class on the website at Pyrography Open Shop. 6:30-9 pm - 9/18/2024

New Classes


Multi-axis Turning with Ribbles

Begin with a cylindrical turning blank and turn on several axes to yield a basic six-ribbed shape. After mounting this on another axis, further turning offers a huge range of shaping opportunities, such as ‘flowers’. Intermediate turning skills/techniques include interrupted cuts & deep narrow cuts with good tool control. This project was demonstrated at the February 2024 OVWG meeting. A handout is available on the OVWG website. ‘Ribble’ is a nonsense name, inspired by an old commercial – my “Ribbles have ridges”. 

Register for the class at Exploring Multiaxis Turning with Ribbles -10/5/2024


Birdhouse Ornaments

As the holiday season approaches, we find ourselves looking for special gifts for special people. For woodturners, small gifts that will have special meaning for others are well within reach. With a little imagination and the use of wood scraps from your shop you can make beautiful birdhouse ornaments that relatives and friends will treasure for years to come. All of the materials that you will need to complete an ornament will be provided. If you are looking for something for that last minute gift, this is a great opportunity to make it yourself. You will also be able to make more when you return home.

Register for the class at Bird House Ornament - 10/12/2024


Demonstrator Class: Winged Bowls

Following his demonstration at the October monthly meeting, national woodturner Jamie Donaldson will guide you through the process of making a Winged Square Turning or Winged Bowl similar to the ones pictured. He will cover the process of sharpening the tools you will be working with as well.

Register for the Winged Square Turning class at Jamie Donaldson Class - Winged Square Turning - 10/20/2024

Register for the Winged Bowl class at Jamie Donaldson Class - Winged Bowls - 10/21/2024


It’s almost time to meet again for the monthly meetings with a great lineup of demonstrations as the next turning season gets underway.    Save the dates and register early for the upcoming events and classes:

September 21: Turn Fest at the Learning Center with 4 demonstration stations
                                     Turn Fest 2024 - 9/21/2024

October 19
Jamie Donaldson demonstration and classes for natural edge and winged bowls. View his gallery here.
                        Monthly Meeting - Jamie Donaldson - 10/19/2024
                        Jamie Donaldson Class - 10/20/2024
                        Jamie Donaldson Class - 10/21/2024

November 16
: Ornaments Galore - demonstrations of four styles of ornaments 
                        Ornaments Galore - 11/16/2024

December 14
: Member Appreciation Dinner
                         Member Appreciation Dinner - 12/14/2024

January 18, 2025
: Roberto Ferrer demonstration and classes.  Roberto is a national demonstrator from Chicago and has won numerous awards for his turnings, as well as being published in several AAW magazine articles.  His signature work combines wood turning, carving, and wood burning to create unique pieces.  View his PBS interview and shop visit here.
                        Monthly Meeting - Roberto Ferrer - 1/18/2025
                        Roberto Ferrer Class - 1/19/2025
                        Roberto Ferrer Class - 1/20/2025

Upcoming Events
Skill Building Sessions
Upcoming Events
Classes and Meetings

In the Area….

Events and classes in the area to enhance your wood turning….

  • At the Cincinnati Woodcraft store:  Woodcraft Events
     - Resin and Burl Turning Blank Casting classcasting resin and burl to make one of a kind handle blanks for your turning projects.
     - How to chose a chuck for your lathe - a walk through the different chuck options and when you need to use them.
     - Creative Carving Competition
    Carvers Corner - third Thursday of each month, learn new techniques for wood carving from spindle spirals to embellishment 
  • At the Cincinnati Rockler store:  Rockler Events
     - Laminated wood bowls - learn how to laminate your wood blanks to create laminated bowls 
  •  - Epoxy handle casting
     - Pen turning


June Picnic Contest Winners

Winners of the Fruit/Vegetable contest for Novice, Advanced, and Master categories.

June 2024 Picnic Contest
Class Photos

Wood Processing and Cutting Classes

You might say we were a “cut above the rest” at the wood processing sessions.  
John Westrup and his Wood team had several workstations set up to allow members to try their skills at using a chainsaw to create wood blanks from the various logs outside of the Learning Center. John provided an overview of how to cut logs to remove the pith and then section the cut for bowl blanks and spindle blanks. Bowl blanks and spindle blanks were then cut with the bandsaw for members to take home and turn or serve as projects for an Open Shop visit.

As a reference, you can review the “Bowl Roughing Process” poster in the Learning Center that displays how to cut a log for bowl blanks.  See the upcoming newsletter for tips on wood processing.  Logs can be a source of inspiration for designs that utilize features of the timber, such as natural edge for bowls or grain patterns.

2025-08 Wood Processing Event

Segmented Vessel Week

It was segmented vessel week at OVWG in August.  Jess Parrett led a two-part hands-on class that provided techniques for creating segments using a table saw sled, gluing segments into rings, and gluing rings on the lathe to create a rough vessel blank to finish at home.  Dan Gingerich, John Peters, and Terry Elfers provided instructional support and shared various techniques in making segmented pieces.

Offset Plate:

Bob Henrickson led the group in turning a different sort of plate by creating a plate using both offsets and tilts to produce a striking effect. The domed center provided a focal point for embellishment. Using a jam chuck, the back side of the platter was shaped into an ‘ogee’ curve. 

Cheese Platter:

KC Kendall provided the ingredients to create a cheese platter with a marble insert.  A tasty tip to share - repurpose a mortise.  A mortise on the top side is used to finish the bottom side of the platter.  If the marble insert in the center is set up to be removable, the mortise can also be used to hold a similar sized bowl for chip dip.

Skill Building Session Photos
IMG_5609.jpeg (edited)

Intermediate Skills: Jam Chucks

In the July Intermediate Skill Building session, techniques using jam chucks to turn and shape round objects were demonstrated. Attendees created a jam chuck to hold a round work piece in place for turning and repositioning as needed to create a desired shape.

Intermediate Skills: Ball-and-Cup

It was time to have fun making a Ball-and-Cup toy in Bev Connelly’s Skill Building Session for Intermediate members.  In a round about way, the session started with making a sphere and then designing a cup to fit the sphere - all from the same workpiece blank.  Techniques included sphere making, hollowing with a Forster bit, caliper measure, and creating pieces that fit inside another. With Bev and Mark’s expert guidance in efficiently turning the workpieces, the biggest challenge was catching the ball in the cup. 

OVWG Learning Center is located at Kennedy Heights Cultural Campus
6620 Montgomery Road, Kennedy Heights, OH45213

The entrance to the Learning Center is on the South side of the building along Kennedy Ave., beside the loading dock.

Click here for map ---> Click here for a picture of the entry door to Learning Center--->


OVWG is proud to be one of 350+ worldwide chapters of the American Association of Woodturners

We encourage you to join this fine organization.
The American Association of Woodturners(AAW) is an international, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
AAW's mission is to provide education, information, and organization to those interested in turning wood.