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Promoting the art and craft of wood turning in the greater Cincinnati area

HomeInterest Groups

Interest Groups

This is a list of interest categories and the interests within each category. Click on an interest to learn more about that item. If you are logged in, you will also see the members who have declared that interest, with a link to their member directory entry. Click the "More Info" link info to view additional information about the interest group.

What are Interest Groups?

Interest Groups are people that have chosen to let others know what they are interested in. They are a way of connecting with like minded people. These lists can be used by the club to direct targeted mailings to those who have signed up for a particular group. They will also be used to judge where to direct resources and emphasis for programs and meetings. So if you don't want to miss out be sure to indicate all of your interests. If we have missed something please let us know and it can be added.

Wood Turning

What should I turn? How should I turn it? Find out here. Connect with like minded people by indicating your interest areas.
208 Members
This group focuses on the basics of bowl turning from stock preparation to final finish.
163 Members
Platters large & small, utility and decorative. This group knows how.
135 Members
All you need to know about making turned ornaments can be found in this group.
73 Members
Make it thin for piercing or just because. Hats or delicate art pieces can use a little thinness. Learn how here.
126 Members
Spindles are everywhere. Bed Posts, Honey dippers or finials. These folks know how.
105 Members
Want to glue some pieces together to create your masterpiece. Learn how here.
90 Members
From the simple to the exotic. These folks can make them all. Pens for the Troops is a favorite.
112 Members
Like working where you cannot see. Try hollowing through a small hole. Don't know how? Learn here.
119 Members
I'm a beginner. I need help on everything.
127 Members
I can't get a clean cut. I'm working too hard. How do I sharpen my tools.
68 Members
You like being off center. Here is the place to come.
155 Members
Want to put a lid on it? Here are the folks that like making lids with a "pop" or not.
25 Members
Master turning thin by making a wearable hat or a mini hat. Join this group to teach or learn.
Coordinator: Dave Kratzer
50 Members
Work with others to create unique and useful Beads of Courage boxes

Enhancements to Wood Art

Are you tired of just plain wood. Learn how to jack it up a notch here. Connect with like minded people by indicating your interests here.
108 Members
Texture it or draw beautiful designs on it using the versatile pyrography tool. These folks are doing it.
Coordinator: Mary Carol Meinken
59 Members
Dye, Stain, Paint, Stencil or free hand the airbrush is a versatile tool to add that extra something to your creation. Learn how here.
79 Members
Wood begs to be carved. How to do it by hand can be learned here.
81 Members
Weak hands? Tired muscles? Learn the options for putting electric and air power behind your carving tools. These folks know.
106 Members
Texture added on the lathe or off the lathe has many options and effects. No better place find out how to do it than with this bunch.
63 Members
Dremmel or high speed dental tools can pierce beauty into you creation. Learn the ins and outs of making holes here.
103 Members
What are my options when coloring my creations?
104 Members
If you want to add epoxy elements to you woodturning arsenal here it the place to learn how.
Coordinator:  Linda Suter

Youth Turning