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Promoting the art and craft of wood turning in the greater Cincinnati area


Events - Week View

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January, 2025

OVWG Learning Center at
Kennedy Heights Art Center Annex
9:00 AM
OVWG Learning Center at
Kennedy Heights Art Center
6:00 PM
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Try your hand at spindle turning as an introduction to woodturning. Learn about the lathe, woodturning safety, how to sharpen tools, make a bead & cove stick, and learn how the Learning Center is operated. Class is free. Tools & supplies provided.
OVWG Learning Center at
Kennedy Heights Art Center Annex
4:00 PM
Kennedy Heights Cultural Arts Center, Lindner Annex
6:30 PM
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Bring a project to work on, or a flat piece of wood that you can practice on. If you do not have a pyro unit, there are 5 available to use for the evening. Email Mary Carol Meinken to reserve one. Come prepared to learn and have fun!
The session is open to any OVWG member interested in participating in embellishing their work with pyrography. There will be equipment available if you do not have your own equipment. This is a sharing of knowledge interest group where we learn from one another. If you do not have equipment, it is a good place to learn what is available before purchasing equipment.
OVWG Learning Center at
Kennedy Heights Art Center Annex
6:00 PM
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This event is focused on presenting opportunities for new turners to learn and practice fundamental skills of woodturning. Each session uses one or more basic tools including the spindle roughing gouge, spindle gouge, parting tool, scraper, and bowl gouge. Over several sessions, turners are exposed to different ways to mount wood on a lathe, roughing to round, and turning consistent beads, coves, Vs, and curves. Over the course of these sessions, basic design elements are introduced and the basics of sanding and finishing are presented.

Tools and materials are supplied. There is no cost for this event but turners must register to attend. Registration is limited to eight (8) turners .
OVWG Learning Center at
Kennedy Heights Art Center
10:00 AM
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Help clean and maintain learning center
Kennedy Heights Cultural Arts Center, Lindner Annex
9:00 AM
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This is the monthly meeting of the OVWG. Announcements will be made followed by a demonstration by Roberto Ferrer. There will be a "Show and Tell" segment where members can display and describe their piece(s). Lunch will be provided.
Kennedy Heights Cultural Arts Center, Lindner Annex
9:00 AM